There will be a Structural Steel Framing inspection in “Nouadhibou Road, Avenue Al Quds, NOT PRTZ. Nouakchott/MAURITANIA”. All steel structures (≈5-6 canopy structures / 50-60 tons of steel) will be inspected. Inspections will take approximately 1 week. Inspection date will be announced. Inspection details are as follows: 1. Verify structural-steel materials and inspect steel frame joint details. 2. Verify weld materials and inspect welds: a. Visually inspect field welds in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M. In addition to visual inspection, test and inspect field welds in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M and the following inspection procedures: i. Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E165/E165M. ii. Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASTM E709; performed on root pass and on finished weld. Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration are not accepted. iii. Ultrasonic Inspection: ASTM E164. iv. Radiographic Inspection: ASTM E94/E94M. 3. Verify connection materials and inspect high strength bolted connections: a. Inspect bolted connections in accordance with RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts.”
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