Job Name: Pre-Shipment And Laboratory Tests - #35751

Create Date : May 23, 2022
Zhengzhou, Henan, Çin China
Summary - Additional Requirements

Quality control and inspection service of 350 tons of unpainted (distribution and dimensions below) Grade A BV Class certified sheets to be supplied from China Bebon company. The plates must be 4 cut plates, their surfaces must be free of waves, no corrosion (within the tolerance of IACS), "heat number" and BV class cold stamped and comply with the criteria to be determined by our Quality Control Department, etc. A random sample of each thickness type will be selected and their visual inspection will be carried out. A random sample of each thickness type will be selected and thair dimensions control. Performing laboratory tests according to Material 3.1 Certificate (1 Randomly Selected Sample). 1.Supplier Visit 2. Laboratory Test 3. Report

Information: The inspection project description is shown to the extent specified by the company official. After submitting your offer, you can request the details again from your dashboard.

Job Budget ( $ accepts currency. RFQ (Request for quotation) ):
Target price was not specified. Please submit your total hourly rate when responding to this job.

Start Date :

May 23, 2022

Due Date:

May 23, 2022

Bugdet :


Status :

Listof applicants for the proposal
H**** B*****






Other Inspection

Grade A BV Class certified plate

Grade A BV Class certified plate
Çelik Plaka

One Time


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