There will be LTP-021 Boil Off Gas Compressors - Gear Box Inspections in 1, rue du Vieux Moulin, B.P.10063, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, FRANCE, 67400 on 07,08,09,10,13,16/01/2025. Inspection Scope: Balncing, Run out check Electrical and mechanical, Residual unbalance check, Contact Pattern check, Test Run Noise Level Test, Visual Inspection, Dismantle-reassembly, Dimensional Inspection, Painting Inspection, Final Inspection, Inspection release certificate The inspector must be a Mechanical Engineer with at least 10 years of experience as a Quality Control Inspector. It is essential that they have specific experience with GEARS and hold Level II certifications in Non-Destructive Testing.
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