Job Name: Inspection And Analysis: Ha Latex - #10527

İstanbul, Turkey Turkey
Summary - Additional Requirements

Below are the details of the shipment: 1. We purchased 2x 20ft containers of (natural rubber latex HA 60% DRC) from a trading company based in Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia on 26th October 2021 2. The packaging of goods is in 205 kg new steel drums, the number of drums is 80 drums per container 3. The net weight is 16.4 MT per container 4. The HS code is 40011000 5. The ETA to Haydarpasa port/Istanbul is 18th of March 2022 We would like you to inspect the containers and make sure the quality of the goods didn't get affected due to the significant delay. We want you to inspect the goods prior to customization in Haydarpasa Port We want you to make a lab test for the materials is called 60 - 100 test if it is possible

Information: The inspection project description is shown to the extent specified by the company official. After submitting your offer, you can request the details again from your dashboard.

Job Budget ( $ accepts currency. RFQ (Request for quotation) ):
Target price was not specified. Please submit your total hourly rate when responding to this job.

Start Date :

Mar 18, 2022

Due Date:

Mar 19, 2022

Bugdet :


Status :

Listof applicants for the proposal
H**** B*****






Other Inspection

Natural raw material

Natural rubber latex

One Time


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