After the inspection, 2 reports should be written. 1. Inspection Report 2. Expediting Report Please include the following in expediting report: 01-Provide the update status for each mixer tag no separately. 02-Provide photos for each mixer tag no (no need for general/mix photos). 03-Update the production process as per the attached scheduel. 04-Update the delivery date for balance items. -Expediting and following up the fabrication progress and production status with reference to the received production schedule. -Update the inspection/quality activities status. In the inspection to be made, inspection of the ITP regarding the order on behalf of Client, the general status of the orders, the inspection of the quality documents, the determination of the missing quality documents, the determination of the current status of the production, according to the production calendar you sent to Client, what percentage of the order was completed, what percentage was not completed, etc. determination of the production stage, control of documents related to completed processes, etc. checks will be made. At the end of the audit, an audit report and an acceleration report will be prepared to be reported to Client. Every page of the documents must be certified when the inspector comes to the inspection. The inspector will also approve the documents approved by you. 1. Contract ( Client and Supplier ) 2.Technical Specification ( Client and Supplier ) 3. Quality and test plan (ITP) ( Client and Supplier ) 4. Technical Drawings ( Client and Supplier ) Suppleir; 5. Certificates of company qualification documents 6. Material and Equipment list and 3.1-3.2 Certificates 7. Material traceability records and markings 8. Consumables list and certificates 9. Machine list and calibration certificates 10. Resource attributes (WPS, WPQR) 11. Welding personnel list and Certificates (WQT) 12. Cutting/Bending etc records 13. Resource log and resource plan 14. Visual inspection and Size/dimension control reports 15. NDT personnel list and certificates 16. NDT plan 17. Tightness and strength test records 18. Coating records 19. Measurement equipment calibration certificates etc.
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Il qr code è il dettaglio del lavoro. Condividilo o usalo nei tuoi rapporti.